MOCA Grand Storefront, 2017
My chalk drawing, Alphabet (2011-2017), installed in the exhibition THIS KNOWN WORLD: The Spontaneous Particulars of the Poetic Research Bureau at the MOCA Grand Storefront, Los Angeles, curated by Joseph Mosconi and Andrew Maxwell. This piece superimposes the 26 uppercase characters of the roman alphabet.
SF Art Education Project, 2017
My book â—¯ (Ugly Duckling Presse, 2013) installed as an unbound coloring book in Rise Up!, an exhibition for school-age children that collects artist responses to "the state of our nation." The exhibition is curated by San Francisco Arts Education Project and was on display at their Minnesota Street Project gallery. Photo taken by artist Erin Mitchell.

Sierra Nevada College, 2015
Point (2015) installed in The Plain Sense of Things, an exhibition of text art, at Sierra Nevada College's art gallery in a show of text art. Curated by Jared Stanley. Point collects text from the first chapter of my book point line shape, published as part of First Thought Worst Thought (Gauss PDF, 2015).

Visual Sound Poems
Kala Art Institute, 2015
Visual Sound Poems (2011 to 2015) installed at a group show, Voices, at The Kala Art Institute in Berkeley, CA. Curated by Mayumi Hamanaka.
These pages were taken from five years of notebooks. I was inspired by composer Llorenç Barber's idea of visual music (not visual scores to be performed by instrumentalists, but visual notation meant to invoke sound inside the viewer). Using alphanumeric and punctuation marks as my palette, I made these handwritten pieces in an attempt to explore what visual sound poetry could be.

Point Line Shape
Royal Nonesuch Gallery, 2015
Point, Line, Shape (2015) was installed in my solo show First Thought Worst Thought at the Royal Nonesuch Gallery, Oakland. Curated by Zoë Taleporos. Point Line Shape collects text from my book point line shape, published as part of First Thought Worst Thought (Gauss PDF, 2015).