Every wonder why there's "hair" in the word chair? How about an "arm" in army? Artist George Pfau and I combed the English language for body parts and collected them in an iOS app in which users can write messages and make visual poems with this body language. You can download it for free on the Apple iOS store. More information on the app can be found in this review by artist Sarah Hotchkiss.
BlabberLab is part of a larger project by George Pfau and me entitled Zombie Variations. Our work culminated in a show at Alter Space, San Francisco in 2016 as well as two books, which you can find here.

Invisible Venue, 2014
SENT is a textual documentation of an exhibition of ephemeral, time-based art at SOMArts, San Francisco. It was produced in collaboration with Invisible Venue and is archived by the San Francisco Main Public Library, SFMOMA and the University of Maine.
This book is our response to a SOMArts commission and is influenced by Tacita Dean's video Craneway Event, in which the artist documents the Merce Cunningham Dance Company practicing before an event in Richmond, CA. Dean documented no part of the live event before an audience, instead capturing fragments of a practice, dialogue between Cunningham and the dancers and visual aspects of the dance environment. Thinking through the SOMArts exhibition in conjunction with Dean's work, we were interested in how an artwork could be read and misread through the planning and conversations that developed it. Because so much planning for exhibitions these days is done by email, we decided to capture these digital exchanges. Every email between SOMArts and the artists is contained in these books -- about two novels' worth of text.
Book homepage on InvisibleVenue.com
Book reference page on the San Francisco Main Public Library Website
Direct link to the single-volume, 1,000+ page PDF
Direct link to print versions: Volume 1 and Volume 2